You may think there’s nothing to do but stay in and watch
the other people freeze. You may also think that it’s a good time to
catch a few extra hours of sleep because you’re so busy the rest of the
You may think you finally can fix that window that doesn’t
fully close and raises your monthly fuel bills.
But there’s much more to do. This is the time of year you
can catch up on what the rest of the world is doing. There are so many news
sites now you can pick the one or ones that suit your own …um… bias.
Examples: Biden. Fox will tell you a different
story than the Associated Press. The situation in Ukraine? You can choose
between Fox and a whole host of other sites.
Maybe you’re fixated on more obscure problems like the
farmers of India. There still are plenty of places to go for your side of
this issue, something I’ll leave to you to figure out.
You say you don’t care about farmers in India? OK, how about
Queen Elizabeth having Covid? Maybe you didn’t know that. But it’s
true. Probably caught it from Prince Charles. What will that mean for the
British Monarchy? (And why do you care about that? But if you do, there
are plenty of places to read up on it.)
So we in this century and in this country have so many news
sites now that we can pick one that suits our point of view. Keeps things
either peaceful or war like at home. Pick your view of that.
Regardless of your viewpoint, there are so many places to
find out what’s happening, you never have to leave home. Not only that,
but you can order your groceries over the internet and they’ll be delivered
relatively quickly.
But there IS one thing you can’t do without expending some
effort. That is getting out of the house when the weather is terrible --
or was terrible and has yet to be fixed. And this can be a major problem.
Getting out of the house is a major step in keeping one’s
sanity. There is no substitute except napping. And you can’t nap
all day and then go to bed at night. If anyone has an answer to this,
please publicize it.
I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome
to them. ®
Any Questions?
© WR 2022