2068 Anthony Pellicano
You know you’ve heard the name. But maybe you don’t remember why. Here’s why. Pellicano was a susperstar private eye in Hollywood back in the day. But the day ended when he went to jail which was about 15 years ago. Now you’re hearing about him again because he finished serving his sentence two days ago, and walked out and into the 67-degree sunshine of Los Angeles.
He is a man without a job, without a private investigator license but with a lot of big name friends several of them who'd started a small trust fund in anticipation of his release. You think he’s going to live on social security and a few grand in a fund?
He’ll write a book about his exploits, his clients, his private wiretap “war room.” And who knows how much he has stashed away in a hidey-hole in the desert. Maybe nothing. Maybe something. Maybe inside a tumbleweed that seems never to tumble.
Are there also bodies out there? Probably not, though that was a message he may have occasionally delivered to an uncooperative witness.
So why was he in jail for all those years? Well, let’s start with the wiretapping. Let’s go, then, to the plastic explosives the FBI said it found in his office safe. Tools of the trade?
He was famous for spying on Sly Stallone and others in that league. He worked for (or was it against) Michael Jackson.
He’s like the colorful old time bad guys we hate to love but love anyway. If you go back far enough in time, you’ll find a different Anthony. Slim, intense, and on the side of the angels, specializing as an investigator and an expert witness about all things wiretap.
He must have reasoned that the angels weren’t angelic enough and went into the P.I. business. And there is where he made his name, where he acquired his high-paying clients and where he got himself imprisoned.
I don’t know about you. But I’m waiting for the book. If there isn’t one in the works, there should be.
Note to APellicano: You don’t need a PI license to consult for your former competitors. They’d love to have your expertise and likely would pay mucho dinero for your expertise.
--Bet you weren’t invited to Friday’s smirk party in Palm Beach either. There was the “president,” all smiles and orange hair because the Mueller Report had been turned over to the Attorney General and James Comey was nowhere in sight with a pair of handcuffs. Supporters called that a victory while the rest of us call it a bad start.
--Can we all agree that Bobby Three Sticks is a man of integrity, a pretty good lawyer and more likely to err on the side of caution than to jump into a pool of starving sharks? Yeah, probably. But also, he’s left the real dirty work to local and regional authorities in various venues including New York, Washington and Palm Beach.
I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®
Comments? Send to wesrichards@gmail.com
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