Wednesday, September 09, 2020

4637 Exhaustion

A bit of restoration goes a long way.

This whole trump thing has made America into a tired car wreck. Everyone is tired. From COVID to Twitter, to the economy, to race relations we all need a rest.

The “president” and his actions or failures to act have become the main focus of our attention.  And technically, the only thing we can do is vote.  That’s not enough.  It certainly wasn’t four years ago when we voted for the winner and the loser won the office.  We have to vote in indisputable numbers.

Is all this chaos by design?  Probably not. He’s probably just doing what comes naturally, and running the country as he runs his (failing) businesses. Spur of the moment.  Perfect ADHD.

But whether intentional or just a nervous reaction -- like a fish wriggling on the hook, the effect is the same.  He’s not draining the swamp.  He’s draining you.  Don’t let him.

TODAY’S QUOTE: “It is the service we are not obliged to give that people value most.” Shopkeeper James Cash Penney.

Notes From All Over:

Retail desperation:  You can tell who is in the most trouble by looking at your inbox.  The stores that need you most will badger you most. But the stores that have already given up won’t bother you at all. And neither will the ones that don’t need foot traffic all that much.

(SOUTHPORT NC) -- Connie Weldon has died at 88. Ms. Weldon was known as the leading female virtuosa of the tuba.  “Tuba virtuoso” is not a phrase you hear often. But she brought the tuba into the realm of the country’s major orchestras. Big Music took it seriously when this slip of a woman hauled her instrument from the case and blew into the world of symphonies. Serious Music off its nose-in-the-air perch.

(OLD FIELD NY) -- New York’s wealthiest suburb has a message for “president” trump: Go away. Old Field is a tiny blip on the North Shore of Suffolk County, Long Island. Relative to the population, lots of Republicans.  Sometimes old money talks.

And finally… most schools have opened.  That’s where the next CORONA virus spike will land.  Mixed classes -- in school some days, virtual school the others -- the spike will be less piercing. 

I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ® 
Any Questions?
© WJR 2020

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