Monday, May 03, 2021

4722 Low Level Voter Suppression

Cutsie Condos in Flyover, PA.

 Talk about voter suppression.  The Annual Meeting of the Cutsie Condo Association is to be held later this month on Zoom.  And we’re all invited to listen. Listen but not speak.  We may see but probably may not be seen.  Democracy in the private sector.


The Mealymouth Management company says they can cram in more participants by … um … not letting them participate. Seventy two families own property in Cutsie.  Average attendance at past annual meetings has been in the neighborhood of maybe 15.  Fifteen onlookers on Zoom will allow dozens more to show up. Most of them won’t.


But -- perish forbid! -- management is not trying to silence the owners.  They have proposed a workaround.  A link they can use to submit questions and comments.  You’d think that offer would be made on a website so people can click on it and fill out a form. You’d be wrong. It’s in a snail mail form letter. The link is 47 characters long.


Try typing that without error. Should anyone do this right they will be directed to more complications.  


What would happen if they tried something like this in congress?  Okay, boys and girls, the Zoom Meeting of the House of Representatives of the United States is in session, the Hon. Nancy Pelosi presiding.


Most members would be able to hear and see Nancy but wouldn’t be allowed to vote.  They’d be able to hear and see the various committee chairs and senior members of the opposing party.  But when it comes to a vote?  Well, let’s not get picky.  After all, y’all chose leaders.  Let them lead you.


There’s also a lesson for corporate boards of directors here.  Especially the so-called independent directors.  Sit home and watch, ladies and gentlemen. But when it comes to a vote? Well, we haven’t figured that out yet.


Better yet, hold the annual stockholder meetings like that. Think of the fiscal responsibility. No renting of a giant hotel. No bar bills. No transportation costs or troubles.  And, of course, no descent and no votes.


Lessons to dismantle democracy! Starting at the lowest possible level unless they start holding block parties using this model.


Maybe there should be a demonstration outside the main hall of the Mealymouth Management company’s “world headquarters” which is in a hunting cabin deep in the woods where GPS systems don’t work.  Just make sure you keep the demonstration peaceful.  Carry signs that say, “Free the Cutsie Condo 72.” Chant “what do we want?” “The right to vote.” And “when do we want it?” “NOW.”


Anyone have Al Sharpton’s phone number? I lost my copy decades ago.


I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®

Any Questions?

© WR 2021


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