Wednesday, June 02, 2021

MINI 021 Enforced Attention Deficit


 ADD is rampant. Everyone has it these days. Kids, teens, middle agers, boomers and even the ancient.  We treat it with brain supplements which leading researchers say are generally useless.  We sometimes treat it with drugs.  Half the elementary school kids seem to be taking… something.


Your correspondent likes to say that he had ADD and ADHD before having ADD and ADHD were cool.  And there are many witnesses. But even those who didn’t have it sometimes catch it.  Not in the Coronavirus sense of infection, but from the tube.


The blame rests with music videos.  MTV?  They introduced the one-shot-per-second edits that almost every TV commercial uses today.  See if you can count the shots in the next ad you watch.  Betting is they change the picture noticeably every ¾ of a second.  


We’ve gotten so used to that we feel like things are dragging if they leave an image on screen for some book length of time… like, say three seconds.


And sometimes, it seems like…. Um… oh! Look! A butterfly!

Or was it a ladybug? Or a hailstorm?


Now, what was I saying again?


Never mind. It probably wasn’t important.


I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®

Any Questions?

© WR 2021


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