Why do we need a 28 day month that sometimes turns into a 29 day month? No one has yet figured out why February is so short. It’s something to do with the number of days in the year. But couldn’t we just make every month 30 or 31 days?
The calendar has been in its present condition for a very very long time. But maybe it’s time to change it. Why not make every month the same length? Why does the year have to be 365.25 days? And who pays any attention to that quarter day, anyway?
We need to consider a 365 day year. Of course, getting rid of the quarter of a day would complicate matters. Considerably. But we’d get used to it, just as we have gotten used to everything else.
Wars, prosperity, poverty, whatever. These things change all the time. At the moment Russia has started a war with Ukraine. They’ll study this one with other small incursions 50 years from now like everything else we consider that long after the fact. No one has figured it out for now. Fifty years from now, either no one will remember the thing or it will just simply be accepted.
We of this generation have to leave something significant to the following generations. There’s so little left of that kind of thing that maybe it’s time to reexamine the length of a year and the number of months in one.
Where did that day count come from to begin with?
Who says it has to continue as it probably will?
What would be the result of recalibrating a year to last 360 days. Or 400? Or even (gulp!) just 300?
So many questions. They dazzle the brain. And if anyone has answers, please send them.
--Jail sanctioned tattoo artists are cleaning up in Chicago. The city started a “get out of the life” program that allows conversion of gang tats into innocent nothings, like animals and rainbows. Is that going to reduce the number of gang members when they get out or just hide the fact that they either are or were members?
--Americans and other non-nationals jailed in Russia and other former soviet states are concerned about what this mini-war will have on their futures. One little-known worry: what will happen to non-Russians and non-Ukrainians jailed in the warring countries? Those prisoners who are talking share that worry, but so far our State Department remains silent.
I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them.(R)
Any Questions?
© WR 2022
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