Wednesday, August 18, 2021

4750 The Longest War


Things got so bad in Afghanistan that refugees poured into Iran.  Iran! The poster country for Islamic revolution.  Or at least it was until this past weekend.


That’s when the Taliban finished its south-to-north push to Kabul, the president of the country fled and left his underlings to worry about which Taliban jail would serve them their last meals.


Twenty years of America’s war in Afghanistan followed the Soviet Union’s almost as lengthy try and an even longer one from Britain.


The reasons for the US going in were iffy in the first place. Here’s the rationale:


Osama bin Laden used the country as a practice field and training camp, then bombed the American mainland.  We had to stop copycat killers.  And evidently, we did for the most part.


How’d we do that?  Sending troops by the boat and planeload.  Sending billions of dollars in sophisticated weaponry.  Training, training and more training.  


Then, trump said “let’s get out of there.” So began our exit. When the trump people started talking directly with the Taliban, the legitimate government rightly decided America switched sides.  Biden continued the exodus.  And credit to both presidents… probably plenty of American lives were saved. But…


The Taliban began rising from the dead, began takeover battles… and rolled over those sophisticated weapons and all that training faster than Amtrak can get you from Los Angeles to Penn Station.


The president of the “regular” government first isolated himself, then got out of Kabul.  The American flag came down at the embassy compound faster than your 600 horsepower Corvette gets you to the donut shop three blocks from your house.  And with less ceremony.


So we must ask, why did the “regular” army fall apart.  Gen. Wesley Clark thinks he knows. He told TV interviewers that it’s a survival strategy.  Afghanistan has learned to go with the flow. The Taliban gained strength and population after the USSR pulled out… then went underground again when the Americans came in.


Clark says the dream of the Taliban is to die in battle while the dream of the regulars is to go home after work. There’s something to that. You know, play with the kids, have dinner. Watch a little ESPN. Lie down with whichever of your wives whose turn it is.


Meantime, has the Taliban gone all touchy-feely?  In their first news conference after “electing” themselves, the leadership said “Hey, we’re going to give women rights.” The leopard changed his spots? Later they amended the statement to include “within the norms of Islamic law.”


We’ll see.  But no one’s betting the rent on the likelihood that the people who stoned adulterers to death and cut off the hands of thieves yesterday are going to read “suspects” their Miranda rights today.  After all, in that region of the world you invoke the right to remain silent by someone cutting off your head.


In the meantime, over here… we have an obligation to help those who helped us over there. We have a moral obligation to do that and do it fast.  Get ‘em out without the TSA wandings and just hope no one is wearing a shoe bomb.


I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®

Any questions?

© WR 2021


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