Wednesday, December 08, 2021

4731 The Phone Call


Bido and Puta had more phone sex yesterday, two hours’ worth. They started out with some decent foreplay but quickly devolved into a one-upmanship match.  Notice, there’s nothing resembling a telephone on the desk in the picture. No one who’s anyone uses a telephone anymore. Except, maybe, to order a lunch delivery.


Bido threatened sanctions over Ukraine. Puta said Bido was nipping at his cuffs and made some wisecrack about zippers. Then he added that Russian troops are on their own soil and not threatening anyone. 


They spoke on Pearl Harbor Day.  Russia's Tel2 and America's Mega-cell Mobile donated the Skype time in the service of world chaos.


These calls often go nowhere. Usually, they follow a script the two hammer out ahead of time with the aid of their writers, producers, directors and makeup artists.  The hairdressers gave up attending in the trump era because trump denies getting his hair fixed and Puta has none.


This time, the Green Room and back office staffers had the day off.


I guess you can say the same thing about in-person summit meetings. The results are much like those of a WWE wrestling match. A little ad libbing followed by following the story board.  There may not be any formal script.  But unless someone actually errs, there’s an advanced decision outcome.


You can tell on Monday Night Raw as easily as you can about the latest G-something meeting. Then, the pundits swing into action with their own preplanned analysis.


The good news: only diehard fans follow the wrestling pundits. The bad news: real people follow the political ones.


The best and most legit of the wrestling sites is Bleacher Report which is owned by Turner TV which is owned by Warner Media which is owned by at&t.


The best of the best of the politicos are the elegant William F. Buckley wannabe George Will of the Washington Post and the fiercely left John Oliver of HBO. Most of the rest feign objectivity with which they have confused back breaking neutrality so severe no chiropractor can cure.


The dogfight ended in a draw.  Tass headline: “Puta dominates call with pathetic Bido." AP Headline: “Bido dominates call with pathetic Puta.” In follow up texting after the screens went dark, the two exchanged messages. Each said “I hope it was as bad for you as it was for me.”  


I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®

Any Questions?

© WR 2021


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