Wednesday, December 15, 2021

4744 The Emperor's New Code

 This post is completely secure. To read it, one needs knowledge of a radical new secret code.  But, loyal readers, read on, because the key is here.

 The code is made up of the first 26 letters of the English alphabet.  The letters are used to form secret words, known only to those who visit this site.  But for the occasional or beginning reader, there is a handbook.

 If you don’t understand a particular secret word, you can look it up in the handbook, sometimes called a dictionary.  These code decoders are available only to initiates.  You know who you are, and you know where to look.

 We are taking this extraordinary step because we have realized that unauthorized persons have had the capacity to read previous posts by simply… reading them.

 Our code is unbreakable.  Unlike “https” and PlayStation 4.  The terrorists, the identity thieves and “Anonymous” the hacker ensemble know all the high tech tricks to shield their internet and telephone “chatter.”  This system, however, is absolutely foolproof.

 It’s a good thing we’re not doers of nefarious deeds because we could wreak havoc anyplace in the galaxy and no one would be the wiser.

 Since the attack on Paris, intelligence agencies around the world have let Isis know that its use of non-traditional coding is hard to follow. It’s back to school and budget overruns at the NSA, the CIA, FBI, DIA, Department of Agriculture and the school for scoundrels.

 The NSA has started training its operatives in PlayStation and Nintendo. There are advanced classes in Fisher-Price “I Can Play Piano” and historical classes in Atari, Amstrad and Saga.

 Isis is said to be preparing to create a Morse-like code in transliterated Arabic and teaching Navajo. And there are unconfirmed reports that Isis is training some of Syria’s famous carrier camels to swallow condoms having messages written in invisible laser toner and inkjet ink.

 Here at Wessays™ we have them all fooled. And our system is much easier to use than any other.  At least for some of us.


We are going to have a talk with Mark Meadows, the former trumpet wrapped in confusion over the code they call “executive privilege.” He wants it both ways. Sending mountains of bs to congress and then refusing to honor a subpoena.

 I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®

Any Questions?

© WR 2021


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