Wednesday, August 05, 2020

4624 The Lady in Black (Updated to spell Covfefe )

There she was, scooting around a big box store at 7 in the morning. Black top, black yoga pants. Work i.d. Said her occupation was either RN or LPN.  Perfect camera-ready hair and makeup.

And no mask.  Despite a state order to wear one indoors. Despite signs all over the place requiring them. Despite door watchers who were supposed to bar entry to anyone without one.

A “health professional” in the midst of a pandemic, not wearing a mask?  Say, what?

Stopped as she wheeled her cart to her car in the parking lot. This conversation.

Person: “Excuse me, ma’am. May I ask you a question?”
Nurse Covfefe: “Sure.”
Person: “I see you weren’t wearing a mask in the store, why was that?”
Nurse C: “Because I don’t have to!”
Person: “But…”
Nurse C (interrupts): “My health is none of your business.”
Person: “You’re absolutely right. But mine is.”
Nurse C stalks off, loads her purchases into a shiny new-ish luxury car with a filthy license plate and drives off.

What’s gotten into people like this?  The store -- a household name -- is generally populated by low income types including the “person” in this dialogue.  All of them are masked.  Does MegaMart need a 25 dollar purchase so badly it tolerates this kind of nonsense?  Is the door watcher so timid he doesn’t stop the Lady in Black?

And what about the lady, herself?  Does she not know that there’s a pandemic?  Or care?  Person later pretended he had a sneeze coming on, which he evidently didn’t, really.  Later he said he wanted to say “Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot you got your emancipation from Mike Pence (who was wearing a mask when he put your name on the exempt list.”) The thought came too late in the brief conversation.

(WASHINGTON) -- The “president” was all over the map Monday when interviewed by Axios political writer Johnathan Swann on HBO. The Guardian reports trump was often incoherent and that it was difficult for Swann to keep a straight face. Lie after ramble after stumble. We watched part of the piece, waiting for the springs to pop out of his head instead of his mouth.

(WASHINGTON) -- The “president’s” comment on Rep. John Lewis: “He didn’t attend my inauguration or my state of the union messages.”  Lewis was a major figure in the civil rights movement. Oh. That.

(GREATER NEW YORK) -- Tropical storm Isaias knocked out power over much of the area.  Wind gusts to about 80.  Not quite a hurricane. But no summer shower, either.

(NEW YORK) -- What does NYPD cop Russel Ibraham do in his spare time?  Gets arrested. Twice in one week. Once, according to court papers, he shoplifted model cars and toiletries from a Walgreen’s in Ozone Park. Oh, and then, according to other court papers, he was charged with stabbing and injuring a former girlfriend.  Probably just testing store security and the effect of a knife on an arm. Serve and protect!

Recommended Reading:  Ellis Henican’s interview with a leading medical ethicist:

I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®
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© WJR 2020

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