Friday, April 26, 2019

2082 How to Defeat trump

C’mon… impeachment won’t work.  And the gaggle of Democratic opponents is so lame or extreme or tone deaf or dogmatic or numerous that a bunch of anti-trump voters will stay home on election day and hand him yet another bogus win.  They will think of themselves as patriots, they will think of themselves as purists, they will think of themselves as keepers of the flame.  But what they really will be is trump supporters with no practical stake in the outcome of the election.

And the rest of us will suffer the consequences with four more years of corruption, incompetence, ineptness and lies.  But we have our principles!

There is, however, a way to start the bowling ball down the alley and knock off the one standing pin.  It is called protest.  But protest of a new kind. It’s easy to do. It’s cheap. It’s going to go unnoticed by everyone but candidate-trump.

Let’s first investigate the psychology of this psychotic. What is the thing he wants and needs most?  Public adulation.  How can we deprive him?  Well, it won’t be easy.  We have to infiltrate.

The trumpets hold rallies.  Put down your signs, your anger and your dogma.  Get thee to a trump rally. Sit together.

Before you do this, practice -- using a mirror -- the dead-eye cop look.  The kind of look you get from the police officer who pulls you over and does not react to your anger or the flashing of a smile, a come-hither look or a nice looking leg or bust.

You do your flirtatious or victimizatious best to win him over. And he stands there, dead-eyed. Immobile. Unmoved.

At the trump rally, the fans grow wild.  You and the other like-minded protesters sit looking like cops at a one-time speeding motorist.  You don’t have signs. You don’t stand in anger. You just look dead-eyed at a man or woman in the driver’s seat and ask to see their license, registration and insurance card.

You don’t have to go limp as the armed guards throw you out of the rally.  They won’t. You haven’t done anything wrong or disruptive. You haven’t done anything.

This will drive candidate-trump wild.  He will self destruct, eventually.

It doesn’t matter how bad he is. It doesn’t matter how corrupt or inept or dumb he is.  If he sees enough of this he will go away. Especially if enough of you will join in.

So, let’s go to some rallies, people. Let’s do the passive resistance thing. There’s no need to make a big deal about it.  But it just might work.  Just remember this: it doesn’t matter who the opposing candidate is.  It matters that we should have no more of this “president.”

Note to readers: your correspondent is heading into a combination hospital and jiffy lube Monday for minor surgery. But minor though it is, it’s one of those things that prevents the patient from doing much physical activity afterward. So we’ll take a break until all that’s out of the way.  

I’m Wes Richards. My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them. ®
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