Friday, August 23, 2019

2120 An Open Letter from a Jew Who Votes

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Mr. trump,1.
Of all the bat guano crazy stuff you’ve come out with for all these decades, the thing about Jews who vote Democratic being uninformed or disloyal to Israel and by implication the US is close to the top of the list.

In the first place, what in the world do you know about loyalty?

And you’ve against used the old “Dual Loyalty” ruse.  Let me assure you that while most Jews the world over support the country that calls itself Israel and its status as a Jewish state, those same Jews are loyal to their own country first.

The monstrous claims about Israel were followed by your tweets and your little talk to reporters that carried this nonsense even further. You claimed to be “the Chosen One.” That was about the China trade war, not the Jews.  But you looked skyward when you said it.  

And there was the ludicrous tweet about how the Israelis love you.  Other than the immediate circle of Netanyahu crazies, that just isn’t true.  Oh, and the tweet about “King of Israel?”

We gave up the royalty routine after guys like Kings David and Saul and that was the end of it.  Want a biblical reference?  Well, let’s look at the book of Deuteronomy. It’s where “God” tells the Jews if you want a king, I can do that for you, but restrictions apply. Among them: 

He must be one of your kinsmen, this king you appoint over you — you are forbidden to appoint a foreigner over you who is not your kinsman. 16 However, he is not to acquire many horses for himself or have the people return to Egypt to obtain more horses, inasmuch as (god) told you never to go back that way again. 17 Likewise, he is not to acquire many wives for himself, so that his heart will not turn away, and he is not to acquire excessive quantities of silver and gold. (Jewish Publication Society translation, Deut 17:14-20)

Well, don, that kind of lets you out on several counts.

Jews kind of drifted into the Democratic Party because in some form it is the closest American secular organization that comes close to embracing Jewish values.

At latest count there were about 125 million registered Democrats in this country.  There are 4.2 million Jews in America, and that includes men, women, children, those without government IDs, those gerrymandered into districts that make their votes meaningless and those too lazy or discouraged to vote even if qualified.  And by no means is every registered Jewish voter a Democrat.

Some don’t think much of Israel while others embrace the idea and still others who seek refuge from people like you there.

We have suffered indignities at the hands of various people for millennia and managed to remain in place.  Well, in placeS.  And you’re not the worst of them. Your concentration camps for Latin Americans don’t have gas chambers.  At least not yet. That we know of.  The pogroms against immigrants haven’t included mass murders.  At least not yet. That we know of.

Bill Clinton -- this space considers him a crypto Republican -- reminded himself “it’s the economy, stupid!”  With you, also a crypto Republican, but of another sort, we’d suggest that your sticky note says “it’s morality, stupid.”  But there’s a difference. Clinton know what the word economy means.

1. this space never capitalize the "t" in "trump."

I’m Wes Richards.  My opinions are my own but you’re welcome to them ® and I’ll be watching for the Cossacks. 
Comments? Send ‘em to
© WJR 2019

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